How Much Water Does a Xeriscape Lawn Save Per Year?
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How Much Water Does a Xeriscape Lawn Save Per Year?

Xeriscaping is becoming a very popular landscaping approach in Colorado Springs. Each year, homeowners are seeing their water bills reach higher and it's a bit depressing to see all your hard work wither away once the winter freezes set in. They'd rather opt for a sustainable landscaping option that still looks good year round. And the answer in xeriscaping.

What is Xeriscape?

Xeriscape uses drought-tolerant plants to conserve water and reduce the need for irrigation. This approach to landscaping can save a significant amount of water, particularly in dry regions like Colorado with low rainfall and high temperatures. In this article, we'll take a look at how much water a xeriscape yard can save in one year.

How Much Water Does Xeriscaping Save Per Year?

A xeriscape lawn typically uses 50-75% less water than a traditional lawn. This is because xeriscape plants are drought-tolerant and require less water to survive. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, a traditional lawn can use up to 10,000 gallons of water per year, while a xeriscape yard can use as little as 2,500 gallons of water per year. This can result in a savings of 7,500 gallons of water per year.

The amount of water saved by a xeriscape yard can also depend on the specific plants used and the climate of the area. For example, a xeriscape yard in a hot and dry climate may save more water than a xeriscape yard in a cooler and wetter climate.

Are There Other Environmental Benefits to Xeriscaping?

In addition to saving water, a xeriscape yard also has other environmental benefits. Xeriscaping can help to reduce the amount of runoff and erosion, as well as improve air and water quality. Ideally, any runoff you do see can be collected and reused if properly set up. It can also help to reduce the amount of energy used for irrigation, as well as the amount of fertilizer and pesticides used.

To sum up, a xeriscape yard can save a significant amount of water in one year. It can save up to 75% water compared to traditional lawns, resulting in a saving of 7,500 gallons of water per year. Xeriscaping in Colorado Springs not only saves water but also has other environmental benefits such as reducing runoff, erosion, and the use of fertilizers and pesticides. It is a great option for those who want to save water and be environmentally friendly. Talk to SEF about xeriscaping your yard!

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