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How to Maintain Your Water Feature

A water feature, such as a pond or fountain, can add beauty and tranquility to any outdoor space. However, to ensure that your water feature remains in good condition, it's important to properly maintain it. In this article, we'll go over some tips on how to keep your Colorado Springs water feature clean, healthy, and functioning properly.

  1. Regularly clean debris from the water. Leaves, twigs, and other debris can accumulate in the water and make it look dirty. To keep your water feature looking its best, it's important to remove debris on a regular basis. A skimmer basket or a net can help you easily remove debris from the surface of the water.

  2. Test the water chemistry and adjust as needed. The pH, chlorine, and other elements in the water need to be kept at a healthy balance to ensure the well-being of any fish or plants that may be living in the water feature. Test the water regularly and adjust the chemistry as needed. If you own a pool, please know that your pond chemistry will be different from your pool chemistry.

  3. Change a portion of the water on a regular basis. Over time, the water in your water feature can become stagnant and dirty. To keep it fresh, it's a good idea to change a portion of the water on a regular basis. This can be done by using a garden hose to drain a portion of the water and then refilling it.

  4. Clean and maintain the pump and filter. The pump and filter are essential components of a water feature and need to be kept in good working order to ensure that the water is properly circulated and filtered. Clean and maintain the pump and filter on a regular basis to ensure that they continue to work properly. There are many deciduous trees in Colorado Springs that can shed leaves into your filter. Even cottonwood fluff can cause issues with a pond filter.

  5. Keep an eye out for algae growth and treat as needed. Algae can grow in the water and make it look dirty and unappealing. To prevent algae growth, it's important to keep the water clean and well-circulated. If algae does appear, it can be treated with a chemical algaecide.

  6. Inspect the feature for any leaks or cracks and repair as needed. Leaks or cracks in the water feature can lead to water loss and damage to the surrounding area. Regularly inspect the water feature for any leaks or cracks and repair them as soon as they are noticed. Colorado Springs dry climate and temperature fluctuations can lead to cracking.

  7. If the feature has aquatic plants, ensure they are trimmed and healthy. Aquatic plants can add beauty to a water feature, but they need to be properly cared for to ensure they remain healthy. Trim any overgrown plants and remove any dead or dying plants to keep the water feature looking its best.

  8. If the feature has fish, check that they are well-fed and healthy. Keep an eye out for signs of disease or parasites. Fish can add life to a water feature, but they need to be properly cared for to ensure they remain healthy. Feed them regularly and keep an eye out for any signs of disease or parasites.

  9. Winterize your water feature. You'll want to winterize your Colorado Springs water feature before the first freeze. Failing to do so can lead to broken pipes and busted filters. Call an irrigation contractor to blow out the lines and properly drain any reservoirs. Some homeowners try heated lines, but that's a risky choice. Some nights get down below -20 degrees, and even the heartiest heater will have time keeping water from freezing at those temperatures.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your Colorado Springs water feature remains in good condition for years to come. Additionally, it's always a good idea to consult the instruction manual for your specific water feature, as maintenance requirements may vary depending on the type and size of the feature. With proper care and maintenance, your water feature will provide you with years of enjoyment and relaxation.

Have questions about your water feature or need a feature installed? Call SEF Construction and Landscape to help you with your water feature in Colorado Springs.

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