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Outdoor Landscape Lighting in Black Forest: Why You Need It

When you live in the city, you might not think too much about outdoor landscape lighting. You have lights in your home. You might install a porch light or a few lights on your patio. And you place a security flood light over your garage door. When you're in the city, outdoor landscape lighting is more of an afterthought.

In Black Forest, Colorado, however, outdoor lighting is a necessity. Most homes sit on multiple acres filled with trees. As soon as the sun sets, yards get very dark. And this is why you should seriously consider upgrading your outdoor lighting if you live in Black Forest. From safety to property values, landscape lighting solutions offer a number of benefits.

  1. Enjoy Your Landscaping All Year Round With the Rocky Mountains standing tall to the west, Black Forest gets dark early. Add in a line of westerly trees, and you might be bringing the party inside by 4:30 on some fall evenings. With outdoor landscape lighting in Black Forest, you can still enjoy lawn games and patio conversations even when the sun is setting. Homeowners also forget about how their landscaping looks during winter. Without lighting, your yard is probably going to look like a heavy, black sheet at night. No textures and no brightness to cheer you up during those long, cold days. Outdoor lighting is sure to lift your spirits in the wintertime.

  2. Add Property Value to Your Home Outdoor lighting is an excellent home investment. It's an immediate eye-catcher when potential buyers come to look at the home. Instead of driving up to a dark, shadowy house, they'll see a pleasantly lit home. Outdoor lighting will also add value to your home for the reasons below.

  3. Stay Safe from Wild Animals For now, Black Forest is still a largely rural area. This means animals might wander through your land. Keep you and your family safe with outdoor lighting. Colorado is home to bears and coyotes, which should be left alone when encountered in the wild. Deer, while not often considered dangerous, can charge humans if provoked. Even if the lights don't scare away the animals, they will allow you to see any threats before it's too late.

  4. Protect Your Property from Theft Every so often, we hear of car and shed break–ins. Large yards with little lighting are prime targets for thieves. Some outdoor landscape lighting is used to improve the look of the yard, but other landscape lighting can be used primarily for security. Homeowners have lost power tools, ATVs, and other valuables because their land wasn't properly lit to prevent burglars.

Let's Install Outdoor Landscape Lighting at Your Black Forest Home

Every home in Black Forest should have outdoor landscape lighting. It doesn't matter if you want to make sure you don't slip on the ice in winter or want to deter thieves, it's better to be safe than sorry.

For over 20 years, SEF has been installing outdoor lighting in Colorado Springs and Black Forest. We offer a wide selection of lighting options. Color-changing LEDs, moon lighting, and solar ground fixtures, – you let us know your preference and we will install it. We're proud to be your trusted Black Forest landscaping pros.

Give us a call to learn more about outdoor landscape lighting for your home.

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