A Short History of Xeriscaping
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A Short History of Xeriscaping

Xeriscaping, also known as "water-wise" or "dry landscape" gardening, is a method of landscaping that is designed to conserve water and reduce the need for irrigation. The concept of xeriscaping was first developed in the arid regions of the western United States, where water is often scarce and droughts are common.

The term "xeriscape" was first coined by the Denver Water Department in 1981, as part of a program to promote water conservation in the city. The program encouraged residents to replace water-intensive lawns and gardens with drought-tolerant plants that required less water and maintenance.

The work "xeriscape" combines the term landscape with the Greek prefix xero-, from ξηρός (xēros), meaning 'dry'. The term zero-scaping (or zeroscaping) is sometimes substituted for xeriscaping due to phonetic similarity, but these are not interchangeable. When used professionally, zero-scaping usually refers to a different type of low-water landscaping that uses very few plants or none at all. Xeriscaping offers a balance between landscaping aesthetics and water conservation while zero-scaping prioritizes water conservation above all else.

The principles of xeriscaping include using native and drought-resistant plants, grouping plants with similar water needs together, and incorporating mulch and other organic matter to retain moisture in the soil. Xeriscaping also emphasizes the use of efficient irrigation methods, such as drip irrigation, and the use of rainwater harvesting and greywater systems to save water.

In addition to conserving water, xeriscaping has many other environmental benefits. Drought-tolerant plants require less maintenance, which means less use of chemicals and energy. Xeriscaping also helps to reduce the urban heat island effect, as well as reduce air pollution and stormwater runoff.

Xeriscaping has become increasingly popular in recent years, as water shortages and droughts have become more common, and as people have become more aware of the environmental impact of traditional landscaping methods. Many cities and municipalities now offer xeriscaping classes and resources, and many nurseries and garden centers now specialize in drought-tolerant plants.

In conclusion, xeriscaping is a method of landscaping that is designed to conserve water and reduce the need for irrigation. Developed in the arid regions of the western United States, it is an efficient and environmentally friendly method of gardening that can help to save water and energy while also improving the environment.

Do you want to save money on your water bill and make Colorado Springs a more sustainable city? Without sacrificing the look of your landscape?

Call SEF Landscape and Construction for Colorado Springs xeriscape services. We work one-on-one with clients to create a landscape design they'll love while keeping the project in budget.

We're looking forward to talking with you about your xeriscape needs: 719-492-4291

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